Write and deliver a thrilling, pro-style wedding ceremony!

Eliminate all the worry and overwhelm.  

Uh-oh. Crafting the perfect wedding ceremony has turned into more trouble than you thought.
Thinking through all the intricate details and custom elements of the wedding day is ratcheting up your anxiety,
Wedding-protocol questions and second-guessing are turning into worry,
The ceremony you’re writing is starting to feel dull,
You’ve got that nagging feeling that your script is too long, or too short, or too gimmicky, or too awkward-sounding,
The thought of disappointing your couple keeps you up at night,
You’re starting to lose your enthusiasm about officiating a “just-okay” ceremony,
You want to crush this ceremony for your couple and make them so proud they chose you to deliver their wedding!

Can you imagine...

  • Having every tool, template, email, and sample you need. No staring at a blank screen and a blinking cursor. Everything to get the job done right is there at your fingertips.
  • Knowing exactly how to write everything you need to write. From the ceremony elements to the ceremony speech, you know what works, why - and when to say it.
  • Walking into the wedding day with 100% confidence. You're not scared, you're excited. Because you know that what you've created is guaranteed to blow them all away.

If any of this sounds like a dream, I want you to know that it’s 100% possible for you. I know, because I’ve been exactly where you are now and I've created a proven system to help you write and deliver one of the best weddings they've ever seen - without stress and worry!

Thatโ€™s why I can't wait to introduce you to the Unboring!Wedding Academy system!
If you're ready to wow your couple and thrill all their guests...


I’ve created for you the program I wished existed when I started out with all those questions and worries and fears.

…How do you keep the collaborative creation process simple and not annoy the couple with dozens of questions and emails?

…How do you guide the couple through the detail-planning like you actually know what you’re talking about – when it’s your first time?

…How do you craft a personal ceremony without it taking hours of rewrites and edits?

…How do you know what to look for when it comes to the ceremony elements and moving parts and stage directions… let alone run a rehearsal?

When I nervously walked up there to officiate my first few weddings, I yearned for the confidence that what I was about to deliver was any good. I didn’t have any confidence. It took dozens of ceremonies and hundreds of hours.

Now you can tap into my full-time years of professional experience and thousands of hours working on electrifying weddings - because I'm going to teach you how!


When you implement my proven Unboring!Wedding Academy system...

Overwhelmed by all the formalities, elements, and protocols of a wedding ceremony and worried you'll be found out as clueless.
Guiding your couple like an expert as you work with them and for them to build the exact ceremony they want.

Stuck with the tired examples and worn-out platitudes you see at every wedding, but not knowing what else to do.
Crafting an exciting, one-of-a-kind wedding that will leave everyone raving that it's unlike anything they've ever seen.

Dreading standing up in front of your special couple and all their most important people with only a hope that it will turn out.
Bursting with excitement to walk up there and get 'em cheering from the get-go, 100% certain that it will be a smashing success.
If you're ready to go from being new and scared to being confident and professional, but you need someone who's "been there done that" to guide the way...

I created Unboring!Wedding Academy for you!

Unboring!Wedding Academy is the premium online course that helps you become one of the very best. No experience required. Training, tools, coaching, and community to make sure you get there with ease.

“When I saw Mark's course, I was like, 'If he already gave all this great info for free, what's in the course must be spectacular!' And I was right. The insight he provides, how to compile the special story, the spreadsheet, all genius!”

- Gil Sanchez, cousin of the bride and first-time officiant

So, what is Unboring!Wedding Academy anyway?

Unboring!Wedding Academy is a 6-stage program that teaches you how to gather everything you need, write with a purpose and a plan, and command the front of the room on the wedding day.

From the ceremony planning meeting with your couple to sending them up the aisle just-married, you’ll know exactly how to build a fun and riveting ceremony and what to expect at every stage – down to the last detail.

And here’s the best part: your couple will know you’re working on a smashing wedding ceremony, and they’ll be so excited to get down the aisle and see what you’ve created for them on the wedding day.

How do I know? Because I follow the system every weekend myself. And so do hundreds of other first-time and leading-edge officiants and celebrants in Unboring!Wedding Academy - and they tell me all about it!

By the end of the program, you’ll…

  • Have a full understanding of wedding ceremony elements and exactly where they go in the mix.
  • Know how to tasefully engage the wedding guests and hold their captivated attention with a riveting love story and speech.
  • Manage with expertise all the participants, documents, guests, vendors, and moving parts of a wedding day.

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more wasting time.

Here's how Unboring!Wedding Academy breaks down...

Conduct a Thorough Workshop

How do you make sure the ceremony is exactly what your couple wants - and nothing but? You sit down with them of course! Rather than being found out as a know-nothing when it comes to weddings, this is where you amaze them by guiding them through each element and all the options one at a time. I teach you how to be 100% prepared.

In Stage One, you’re going to learn:

  • Plan and execute a crucial and well-run one-hour ceremony planning session with your couple.
  • Guide your couple through all the details, options, and elements of their ceremony.
  • Use my downloadable Google Sheets spreadsheet to fill out all your couple's preferences in the session. I teach you how!

Create a Clear Script

How do you actually produce the dozen-pages-or-so script of their ceremony? You start with mine! Rather than coming up with things to say or pasting well-worn wording from the internet, you're going to start with my proven script and swap in everything your couple already told you they want. It's that simple!

In Stage Two, you’re going to learn:

  • Steal my exclusive Unboring!Wedding Formula and make it your very own! This teaches you how to address whom from the front, and what to say when before, during, and after the cermeony.
  • Take all the info from Stage One's wedding workshop and craft a clear, “movie-style” script.
  • Build out and customize the wording, stage directions, times, and people – and make the working script sharable with your couple.
  • Use my downloadable Google Docs ceremony script template and adapt it for your script with ease.

Build a Concise Storyboard

How do you take on the overwhelming task of writing a great officiant speech? You follow my focused 5-part method! Rather than ask your couple irrelevant questions and receiving loads of useless info, you send a precision survey. Everything is provided for you and all you do is use the existing forms to get the perfect information.

In Stage Three, you’re going to learn:

  • Get all the data and intel you need to write an awesome love story about your couple.
  • Adapt and send my Google Forms templates to your couple and their family and friends.
  • Organize all the responses so you can write each section of your officiant speech quickly and easily.

Write a Moving Speech

How do you write a speech that holds everyone's attention and does your couple proud? You follow the 3-act wedding story roadmap! Rather than cutting and pasting or spraying and praying, I have a proven technique for you, so you can tell your couple's story to moving tears and happy cheers.

In Stage Four, you’re going to learn:

  • Write a fun and moving story that will guaranteed-thrill your couple and wow their guests.
  • Parse out the distinct sections of the story over a set number of days and practice the delivery. It's done in no time!
  • My downloadable Google Docs fully-vetted story script template for you to swipe and adapt. What’s mine is now all yours!

Run an Assertive Rehearsal

How do you get ready to choreograph all the people and places in the wedding ceremony? You plan it all through before you even arrive! Rather than get to the rehearsal and hope for the best, you're going to walk in with a checklist, take command, and lead everyone through the tightest and livelist 3-part rehearsal they've ever seen.

In Stage Five, you’re going to learn:

  • Prepare ahead to lead the moving parts like a pro.
  • Guide your couple and all their family and friends through the walking, standing, and most important choreography of the ceremony.
  • What to look for in the 3 parts of a 40-minute rehearsal + my downloadable checklist you can bring right into the rehearsal.

Officiate a Relaxed Ceremony

How do you keep your cool on the wedding day when everyone's nerves are through the roof? By knowing exactly what you're going to do from the moment you arrive! Rather than worry about all the things that might go wrong, you're ready for the planned and the unplanned - because you learned from a pro.

In Stage Six, you’re going to learn:

  • Connect the professional vendors with exactly what they need to know when you arrive.
  • Checklist for every detail before the ceremony to make sure that when you start nothing fell through the cracks.
  • Strategy and technique to deploy with the couple, the wedding party, and the guests so they're all warmed up and “on your side.”
We've built implementation into the curriculum to make sure you reach the finish line...

You start with the professional script I've spent years developing and use every weekend. You never start from scratch!


You follow the step-by-step process one move at a time. No confusion or overwhelm, just clarity and precision.


'Need to write an email or send a form to your couple? The ones I use are sitting there waiting for you to copy.


You're not in this alone anymore. Ask your questions to Mark or the hundreds of fellow members in the private group anytime!

Enroll in Unboring!Wedding Academy today!
Two great options: get it for yourself, or gift it to someone else...
  • 8 Hours of Mark's Detailed Video Instruction (Valued at $797)
  • Professional Scripts, Spreadsheets, and Surveys Ready to Copy and Use (Valued at $99)
  • 10 Samples and Guides (Valued at $297)
  • Direct Continuous Email Support Access to Mark (Valued at $99)


  • Private Community of Global Officiants and Celebrants (Valued at $49)
  • Member Directory of Global Unboring!Wedding Students (Valued at $49)
  • 1-on-1 Phone Coaching Session with Mark (Valued at $149)
  • 30-DAY 100% Money Back Guarantee

USD $297.00

USD $297.00
Enroll today and you'll also get access to all 10 of these bonuses to make it even easier!

All the Vows You Need

Look no further for a menu of perfect vows for your script. Here's a download of vetted vows ranging from spiritual to non- and traditional to contemporary.


10 Sample Wedding Stories

In addition to getting fully trained on how to write great wedding stories, you get a full suite of Mark's signature stories to adapt and imitate.


Email Templates

Whenever you need to correspond with your couple at each step in the process, the email is already written for you. Just change a few words, copy, and paste!


Story Reading Demo Video

Prep your poise and pacing! Watch Mark read and deliver a direct-to-camera unboring wedding story so you know exactly how to nail it.


Full Unboring!Wedding Ceremony Video

'Wanna see how it looks in action? This exclusive private video shows Mark officiating a full real ceremony so you feel what the unboring style and system will be like.


The "Big Three" Unity Rituals Scripts

The three most common and popular added rituals in a wedding are the Unity Candle, Sand Mixing, and Handfasting. Don't sweat writing it. Just grab Mark's pro scripting!


Prayer and Blessing Scripts

If your couple want some religious elements added, consider a blessing or a prayer - or both. This multifaith wording is approachable and popular.


Private Facebook Group

Meet other Unboring! officiants and celebrants, ask and answer questions, give and get some love and support with the hundreds of members of the course.


Global Member Directory

Start networking with other Unboring!-trained officiants and celebrants near you. Add yourself to the list of members on every continent inside!


1-on-1 Private Coaching Session With Mark

You've followed all the training and applied all the pro tools and veteran know-how. Now it's time for Mark to read your script and hop on the phone with you to skyrocket your confidence!

Unboring!Wedding Academy 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
I'm behind you 100%!

I stand behind Unboring!Wedding Academy fully, and every month I help transform perplexed first-timers into confident masters of the ceremony who get rave reviews. This program just works - again and again.

If within 30 days, you are unhappy for whatever reason, just email me and let me know. You will receive a full and courteous refund - no questions asked, no hoops to jump through. 


I'm Mark Allan Groleau.

I've been officiating weddings for 10 years. The first few were rough. In fact, I didn't even like doing weddings. But then in a risky move, I departed from convention and made the ceremony all about the couple and their story.

It was electrifying. I did it again and again. Over a few years, I developed a style and system that could guarantee I'd thrill every couple and their guests.

The Unboring!Wedding Formula was born. And with it, I found my mission: make weddings unboring everywhere. And this mission doesn't only extend to couples getting married. It includes you.

With this training, you join an elite group of officiants and celebrants worldwide who are demonstrating just how fun and moving and elating a wedding ceremony can be. And the world is taking notice. My work has appeared on every major North American news network.

For your couple, their guests, and your maximum potential... let's do this. Let's settle for nothing less than what your ceremony can be: an Unboring!Wedding!




Are you a perfect fit?

  • You're done wanting to do "just okay" and wondering if you'll do a passable job. You're ready to absolutely rock this ceremony and feel 100% confident.
  • You're so over with cobbling together stuff you found on the internet and status-quo scripting. You want a fresh, proven, rave-review method that will guarantee results.
  • You're finished spinning your wheels and burning up the hours with research and questions. You know it makes more sense to follow a trusted system for an incredible experience. 
If any of these sounds like you, you’re exactly where you need to be.
Enroll in Unboring!Wedding Academy and start instantly!
  • 8 Hours of Mark's Detailed Video Instruction (Valued at $797)
  • Professional Scripts, Spreadsheets, and Surveys Ready to Copy and Use (Valued at $99)
  • 10 Samples and Guides (Valued at $297)
  • Direct Continuous Email Support Access to Mark (Valued at $99)


  • Private Community of Global Officiants and Celebrants (Valued at $49)
  • Member Directory of Global Unboring!Wedding Students (Valued at $49)
  • 1-on-1 Phone Coaching Session with Mark (Valued at $149)
  • 30-DAY 100% Money Back Guarantee

USD $297.00

USD $297.00
If you're ready to wow your couple and thrill their guests,


The average cost of a wedding in North America is over $30,000. Which means right this minute your couple are spending at least $5,000, maybe $15,000, or most likely over $30,000 making sure every detail of their wedding day is perfect.

How much is it worth for you to rise far above everyone’s expectations and totally ace the ceremony on a $30,000 wedding day? $1500? $750?

That’s where Unboring!Wedding Academy comes in. My one-of-a-kind, 100%-proven, save-you-hours-and-knock-their-socks-off system is regularly priced at only $597.

But for the next few days, Unboring!Wedding Academy is all yours with an applied scholarship of $300. That makes it just $297.00 for the only online course for new wedding officiants and celebrants that guarantees you’ll absolutely crush it!


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